Such is Life

The Only Blog On The Internet Born Of Tabasco Sauce...

Monday, January 22

"Well, considering the fact that a kid threw up in it, I'd say the hot tub is definitely closed."

I just got back on Sunday after spending the weekend in Duluth. It was definitely an interesting trip.
We were supposed to leave directly from school on Thursday, but it turns out that my mom got in an accident with my uncle and totaled her car. So, after a slight delay, we dashed off to Duluth in the most stylish of vehicles, a white rental minivan. We ate dinner at Olive Garden, spent the night at a hotel, etc.
On Saturday my brother and I went skiing at Spirit Mountain, and while we were there a skiier- some guy in his twenties- lost control, crashed into a tree, and died. We figured he was dead when his body was still laying in the snow an hour or so after it happened. Really sad, and kind of weird to see him laying there.
I also saw Mick's sister at Spirit Mountain. Kind of strange.
Oh, and I spent Sunday morning listening to a lecture on head trauma. The Power Point was pretty graphic, too- people without jaws, faces, or brains. Or with steak knives in their ears. Or buck knives in their foreheads. Or...

Sunday night I also went to a "fun day" for Miss Nisswa contestants. Umm... yeah. Mrs. Minnesota 2001 taught us how to walk down the runway. Stay tuned for satire.

I had other amusing anecdotes (vocab!) to relate, but unfortunately one day of lang has wiped them from my memory. I'll let you know if I remember. Oh, and if anyone can help me finish the sentence, "I would be a great Miss Nisswa because...," please let me know.

Monday, January 8

"Hey Rubble D! Where my smokes at?!"

Good stuff lately (also known in D-town as A-1 Sauce):
  • human bowling. on ice.
  • chocolate cake.
  • ultimate spoons.
  • not lang.
  • "You can't do that-that doesn't work! Ciara spelled C-Y-A-R-A spells Ciara! Wait..."
  • this.
  • doing the Janice accent from Friends. ("Chandluh, you nevah cwall...")
  • convincing Linda and Amanda O. that we need to do a pie-in-the-face fundraiser like last year, only with the library ladies in the running.
  • late-night theology.
  • singing in a camp shower at the top of your lungs, with like ten other people (not in the same shower, you dirty birdie!)
  • bruised knees. (see "human bowling")
  • traveling broomball trophy.
  • AO when she first wakes up.
  • concussions. (see "human bowling")
  • egyptian rat race.
  • hearing a 40-year-old woman say, "jo'mamma"- complete with hand signs.
  • fish that survive a whole weekend without being fed.
  • Mr. Melby saying "buckage."

That's everything at the moment, I think.

Monday, January 1

"I have a moral question for you..."

It's been a pretty uneventful break for me. Well, maybe not. Depends on your opinion, I guess.
I've spent most of the week ripping up carpet while simultaneously listening to loud techno. Thursday night I went to Amy's (after much confusion) and we "watched" Mighty Ducks. I really do not understand the hype around that movie. Or any sports movie, for that matter. Some of them are good, like Remember The Titans, but others are just dumb. Same plot, same emotionally manipulating triumph music at the end.
Anyway, I also got to play junta darts at my church on Friday night. For the uninitiated, junta darts is a game in which you roll magazine pages into sharp, pointy cones (AKA killer darts) and blow them at people (in the dark) through pieces of PVC pipe. It sounds harmless, I know, but bear in mind that one kid got a junta through his cheek a couple years ago and on Friday my brother got one embedded about half an inch into his arm. It's the thrill of danger that makes it so fun, I think. We probably played for like 4 hours and it was hilariously fun. My church has a ridiculous number of nooks and crannies, not to mention a loft, from which you can snipe people. The best game we played was capture the flag with respawn, so you could get back in the game if you were shot. Pretty much all hell broke loose. Good times.
I spent New Year's Eve at my friend Abb-i's house, but I guess there's nothing really exciting to tell you about that. We watched a lot of movies, ate too much junk food and drank "bubbly." It was fun, though.
So that's Christmas Break. Did y'all have fun?