That was one of the questions we got today. That and "My hands smell like shampoo!"
So today we went to teach the little elementary school kids about "science." Translate: we get to get our hands dirty and mess around while offering some half-hearted "scientific" explanation. Unfortunately the pudding and oreo "dirt" group went before us, so the kids showed up to our station with chocolate all over their faces and high expectations. Also unfortunately, apparently boats made of tinfoil can't compete with "dirt" and "worms." C'mon. Wouldn't you rather put a chunk of tinfoil in a bucket of water than eat chocolate? Darn kids these days.
I guess it was fun though. We had an interesting mix of kids and you could pretty well see how they would turn out when they get to high school. For example, the shy, silent kids on the edge of the group will probably turn out goth. The kids who never pay attention and sit staring out the window will later be diagnosed with ADD and probably become jocks. The loud ones that know all the answers will turn out to be honor students, and the ones that can't stop talking about their cat at home will probably end up as the "cool" kids. It's kind of sad that their fate is sealed at such a young age. Do you think it's possible for elementary school kids to break from the caste system/ popularity contest that so easily enslaves them? Maybe that means we're all slaves to society.