"The Dollar Tree Store wishes you a happy birthday!"
Wow, Friday night was so much fun. It was Beth's 18th birthday, so her mom had been planning a surprise party for a couple weeks involving a limo and nine of Beth's good friends.
We all met at Reichert and then picked Beth up at Caribou. It was an awesome way to surprise her- first the limo pulled up in front of Caribou and we waited until she noticed us, then we all stumbled out and started yelling and waving. Beth's mom gave us an itinerary of places to go, so we visited Brainerd landmarks such as the Brainerd airport, both the McDonald's and Wendy's drive-thrus, and the Westgate Mall. We also had assignments like drinking a gallon of root beer at A & W, taking pictures dressed up in cheap cowboy hats and boas, taking pictures of the people who waited on us at the drive-thrus, and buying Beth a balloon at the dollar store. We took about a million pictures and took turns standing up in the sunroof of the limo while we drove around town. We pretty much got kicked out of the Westgate Mall on our last assignment because apparently you're not supposed to take pictures there or ride the kiddy rides. The security guard even walked us back to the limo.
So it was pretty much amazing. There were all sorts of cool things inside the limo like a TV and that divider thing between the driver and the back that you can roll up and down. We put in a Jack Johnson CD and were jamming to that while we drove around.
Afterwards we hung out at Beth's house and watched movies and ate a lot of really good food.
So yeah, it's pretty awesome to drive around our lovely city of Brainerd in a limo on a Friday night. Way better than going to a movie. I hope my 18th birthday is that sweet.